The Fall Refresh

A huge part of being a Great Boss, is to find ways to make your life easier and to feel good. This might look like:

  • making sure you have the right tools for your job

  • trying new little routines that bring more ease

  • cutting things out of your job description

  • infusing a little fun or joy

The Fall is a natural time to check in, and do a little Refresh. The idea here is that it’s a quick little adjustment - that moves something stale out, and something fresh in.

This can take as little as 5 minutes, more if you like. And it can make a huge difference.

Check out the worksheet below. And/or consider these questions for a moment. Then, pick 1 or both actions to commit to. Please, go with your gut!

One year, I committed to taking a lunch break every day. It felt like an underwhelming choice … but, it turned out to be very eye-opening, and a bit of a game-changer. At first, I could only manage 5-10 minutes, because of the ways I’d scheduled my days. Also, my body just wasn’t used to it! But over time, I realized how much I’d been in the habit of just pushing through the whole work day, in one big slog. And even though my stomach was fine, my brain was very taxed. I slowly expanded my lunch break, and this has made a huge difference.

For your Fall Refresh, you might check out the worksheet below. (Sorry, it’s a little faded.) Or, simply think on these questions, then choose 1 thing to add or change.

How can I make my work (and life) a little easier for myself?
What can I adjust to feel better, or more nourished?

For extra credit, tell people about this action - as often as you can. It’s great to be a Great Boss and to be seen doing it! (And who knows, you might inspire someone else to follow suit.)

Cheers, Jenny