How to Prep for IRS Taxes - All at Once

This is for anyone who needs to prep for IRS taxes all at once! Perhaps you “put it off until the last minute”. No problem! You’re safe here. Or, perhaps you just like doing all at once, and scheduled a day for it. Cool! There are many ways to approach taxes, and they’re all just fine. Read more about Tax Prep Styles to define yours. If you wish to break it up over multiple days, click here.

Okay, here we go.

Overview of the process

Collect stuff.
Find your numbers - wherever they are.
Add up in categories.
Put into a worksheet. Provided.
Then you’re ready to file!
Store your work in one place.
Bonus - Reward yourself.

Print the sheet and follow directions.

And/or read on.


Warm Up / Prep your space

Turn off email. Get some nice music, clear off the table. Use the worksheet to find everything that you might need. Get some favorite food or snacks.


Collect everything you can find

Use the worksheet as a guide.


Find your Gross Sales

This is the amount of total payments you received from clients / customers.

Ways to find this amount:

  • If you have tracking software, like Quickbooks or something specific to your practice (like Simple Practice for therapists), then get an Annual Report for the tax year.

  • If you’ve used one bank account for all deposits, simply look at the December statement and find the Year-to-Date deposits.

  • If you’ve used a spreadsheet, then highlight all the cells of income, then notice the Total.

  • If you have an income record, look there.

  • If none of the above, go to the next step.

Important Note! If you received 1099-NECs and/or 1099-Ks for some of your income, you will need to have all of those available.


Make an Income Record

• Have an income record? Print it out.

• If you have software, print a list of all income.

• If you’ve used a bank account/s …search transactions from Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 of last year, and then filter for Credits Only. Download and print.

• Need to make one? Use your calendar to make a list of all appointments or sales. Write the amounts earned next to each one. You can do this on paper or make a spreadsheet.

• Have invoices? Print them out, staple together as your record.


Expenses by category

Find all evidence of purchases for your business. Could be ~

  • paper receipts

  • online receipts

  • bank statements

  • credit card statements

  • utility bills

It doesn’t matter how you paid for the purchases, all of them can be deducted. (If you’re a sole proprietor or single member LLC.)

Now, we want to add them up by category. Use the sheet you already printed to see the categories. For more info on what expenses go where, click on this worksheet.

Have software?

  • quickbooks - print the P and L for last year

  • other software - print P and L for last year, or print all expenses then categorize

OR You can add up these amounts using ~

  • pen and paper

  • excel spreadsheet - type in date/amount/vendor by category

  • excel spreadsheet - download all expenses then, then categorize and sum

Email me if you’d like to use my spreadsheet. Please allow 3 - 5 business days.

Important Note - It doesn’t matter how you add them up! As long as you have subtotals for each category. And evidence for each expense.


Special case expenses - mileage and office

Did you drive for your business? Most any place that you drove, except to an office, can be deducted. There are two ways to claim this expense - actual cost of vehicle or mileage. I will only cover the Mileage Method here.


What you need to find

  • total miles for the vehicle for the whole year

  • total miles for business use

  • total miles for personal use

If you have these figures, your accountant or tax software will do the rest.

Ways to find mileage

  • Used an app? Log in to find your report for last year.

  • Have a record, great!

  • Calculate miles - look at your calendar, make a list of dates/locations and use Mapquest or other site to calculate the mileage of your trips.

For total miles, do your best to guess your odometer reading for last January 1. Perhaps look at oil change records. For the ending mileage do the same. (In the future, make a note to yourself to write down your Odometer miles each January 1st.)


There are two ways to claim this expense. I will only cover the Simplified Office expense here. Calculate the square footage of your office.

The accountant or tax software will know what to do.


Payments You Already Sent In

This is majorly important!!!!

These are the Estimated Quarterly Tax Payments you sent in, if you did. Only you can provide this info. Find the dates and amounts when you sent these in. Otherwise, you will not get credit for them!

Not sure? Look through all of your records, your bank statements, email. And/or call the IRS.


Check the worksheet

Look over the worksheet at everything you’ve collected. Try and think if anything is missing. Did you have any more business expenses? Any accounts you forgot to check? Find anything missing and add them. At some point, decide to be done!


Plan when to file

Doing this today? If not today, choose a day and put on your calendar. Not sure how to file? Read this post.


Store everything

Keep these things out: Worksheet with all your figures AND any 1099-MISCs.

Gather all of your receipts, statements, calculations, notes. Print out and put into a box, or envelope. Label with the Tax Year.


Reward yourself!

Phew, that was a lot of work. Be nice to yourself this evening. Maybe order take-out or go out. Maybe a bath or binge watch some shows. Maybe online shop for something you’ve wanted. Just be sure to be nice to yourself AND get a reward…or put one on your calendar asap. Here’s a menu if you’re not sure what you need.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Was this helpful? If yes, please considering leaving a Tip in the Tip Jar …. and/or forwarding to a friend. Thanks so much!

: ) Jenny Girl Friday.

• How to CALCULATE numbers for IRS taxes: pen and paper, spreadsheets, software

[Note: This is step three of the Prep for IRS Tax process.  To see all the steps, click here.]

In a nutshell

You need to report some numbers related to your business AND have some evidence to back them up (receipts, bank statements, etc.). How you add up the numbers is up to you! 

The numbers (eventually) get reported on the Schedule C.  If you use software or a tax preparer, they will ask you questions, then put those numbers onto the Schedule C for you.

Consider using the handy worksheets below to keep track of your numbers.

Alert: This blog post may look really complicated, and I apologize for that! It's tough because every situation is different, and I'm attempting to speak to a variety of situations in one post. ♥ Please know: once you get into the material, it usually starts to make sense. Also, I invite you to email me with any questions!

ProTip: Print the Calculate-Basic worksheet, and just start filling in what you know. Then come back to the post for more ideas when needed. 

ProTip: Get a friend to help you with this. They can read the instructions, then together, you can figure out how to proceed.

The Calculate-Basic includes everything you need for MOST situations.  The Calculate-Next Level is helpful if you're planning to file using paper forms, or if you want to predict your self-employment tax amount.

Gross Sales

AKA Gross Income / Total Deposits

Important: This number NEVER includes any sales tax collected. 

You need to have a total Gross Sales number, and a record to back this up. Perhaps you already have this total, or parts of it.......or perhaps you have to create it still.  Here are some options.

Different Ways to Keep / Create a Gross Sales Record

If you already have this record, great!  If you need to make one up for last year, read on! The basic process is:

1   Find the payment amounts
2   Make a Record
3   Find the Total
4   Format for the IRS


1 - Find the payment amounts

Here are all the places to look: 

- Bank Statements - look at deposit records
- Deposit Slips
- Copies of Receipts/Invoices
- Reports from Commerce sites
- Calendar - find all appointments and mark what you got paid for each

2 - Make a Record

Ideally, include the date, purchaser name, and amount of each.

These are options for you to choose from:

- Keep a list of all payments in a notebook
- Record payments in a spreadsheet
- Print out all summary reports from websites you use, keep as your records
- Use software or an app (such as Quickbooks or Fresh Books)

3 - Find the Total

Add up all your numbers to find your Total Payments by customers. This is your Gross Sales.
Do NOT include any sales tax collected.

- Use calculator
- Put into a spreadsheet, and use formulas to add
- If using software, go to the Reports section to get the totals

4 - Format for the IRS

Did you get any 1099-MISCs or 1099-Ks for your business? These are simply proofs of payments that someone else made to your business. The numbers on these forms should already be included in your Gross Sales amount.

> If you're filing with Paper Forms, then you just report your Gross Sales, which includes the totals on these forms. You do NOT need to list out their amounts separately. 

> If you're filing with software or an accountant, they will ask you for your Gross Sales in parts. So you'll need to find the subtotals for:

___ All other payments (including barter)
___ Total of Gross Sales


Okay, options! Here are three of my favorite. There are more options and variations. Hopefully this will give you an overall idea, and you can create something that works for you. 

Note: For evidence of our business expenses, receipts from the purchase are best. The IRS will also accept bank and credit card statements.

Pen and Paper

With Receipts

1. Look at the categories of business expenses (on the Calculate-Basic sheet or the Schedule C)
2. Make piles with your receipts in each category.
3. Add up the totals for each, and fill in the chart. Perhaps write these amounts on pieces of paper to keep track, one for each category.
4. Suggested: staple each stack of receipts together.

With Bank Statements

1. Look at the categories of business expenses (on the Calculate-Basic sheet or the Schedule C)
2. Get a piece of paper for each category, label at the top.
3. Go through Bank Statements. Find each business expense. Highlight, circle, or underline it on the statement.
4. Decide which category the expense falls in. Write each expense on the corresponding piece of paper. (For example, if you see a line for "Office Max", write the amount on the paper that labeled "Office Expense".)
5. When all expenses have been recorded, add up to get the totals. Record on the Calculate-Basic worksheet by category.


1. Look at the categories of business expenses (on the Calculate-Basic sheet or the Schedule C)
2. Label a column or separate tab with each category. (Depending on how you like to work.)
3. Go through your receipts and Bank Statements. Find each business expense. Highlight, circle, or underline on the statement.
4. Decide which category the expense falls in. Add it to the column or the tab.
5. When all have been recorded, add up to get the totals. Record on the Calculate-Basic worksheet.

Quickbooks or Other Software

1. Finish inputing/uploading all expenses for 2017
2. Find the Reports page
3. Select Profit and Loss statement
4. For the time period, select Last Year
5. Look at the report. Review each category.
6. Make any adjustments.
7. Print the Profit and Loss statement. Or, record the amounts on the Calculate-Basic sheet.

Special Expenses

These get calculated in special ways, so deserve their own section.

Special Expense - Mileage

There are two ways to deduct driving expenses. For each vehicle, choose one method and stick to it each year.

Option A:  Actual expense. (Less common)

With this option, you collect and report ALL costs associated with your vehicle: gas, insurance, repairs, maintenance, and tab renewals. If you use it part for personal and part for business, you need to calculate what percentage is used for business. Then take that percentage of the total costs. 

So, if you use for business 30% of the time, you'd deduct 30% of all costs associated with that vehicle.

Add this expense to the Car and Truck Category.

Option B: Mileage Deduction (most common)

For every mile that you drive for business, you get to deduct a specified amount. In 2017 it was 53.5 cents per mile. With this method, you need to know your total business miles. Additionally, you're required to have a record. The easiest way is to use an app, such as MileIQ. Or, you can keep a log book.

For most forms of filing, you'll be asked for:

___ Starting Odometer reading, on January 1
___ Ending Odometer reading, on December 31
___ Grand Total of All Miles
___ Total of Personal Miles
___ Total of all Commuting Miles (driving to and from an office)
___ Total of all Business Miles

To Claim the Expense:

If using Paper Forms
A. Calculate Total Business Miles x 0.535 =____________.
B. Add this to your Car and Truck Total

If using Software or Working with a Tax Pro
A. Have all of your Mileage Totals Handy
B. Do NOT include in Car and Truck expense
C. Provide information when asked, and they will calculate and deduct

Special Expense - Home Office

If you have a home office that meets certain requirements, then you can make a deduction. There's a Regular Method (that's complicated) to do this, and a Simplified Method.  I will only speak to the Simplified Method. To learn more, go to, or ask your accountant.

A. Decide if you meet the requirements: the space is ONLY used for business, and it is your principle work space.
B. Measure the Square Footage.
C. Multiply Square Footage by $5=_____________
D. If using Paper Forms, claim this expense on the Schedule C on Line 30. (It is in a separate place than other expenses.) Also, consider researching or asking someone about Schedule A. I have yet to learn about this.
E. If using software or working with a tax pro, input when prompted.


♥ If this is your first year..........hang in there........and just try your best! If you find out in the future that you did something wrong, or forgot some major deductions, don't worry, you can amend tax returns from previous years.

Actually, that goes for everybody. Just try your best. Take things one step at a time. Do what you can. Reach out for help: from a friend or colleague, email me, meet with a tax volunteer at the library, or your bookkeeper or accountant.

To read about options for Filing, click here.

For the next Tax Help Pop-up Shop, click here.

: )  Jenny Girl Friday

P.S. Know any other self-employed Seattleites who could use this information? Please forward freely!
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